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Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here is the Graduating Class.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here are Jacqueline Samuels-Brown (left), Chairman, Council of Legal Education; Justice Hilary Phillips (centre); and Tonya Bastian Galanis (right), Principal, Eugene Dupuch Law School.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here is the Graduating Class.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here are Chief Justice Zaila? McCall (left0; and Justice Hilary Phillips (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here are Justice Hilary Phillips (left); and Jacqueline Samuels-Brown (right), Chairman, Council of Legal Education.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here are Shernett Robinson (left), and a friend.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here are Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller (right); Justice Hilary Phillips (centre); and Chief Justice Zaila? McCalla (left).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here is a section oif the Graduating Class.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here is members of the Graduating Class; at right is Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller.
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here are Jacqueline Samuels-Brown (left) Chairman, Council of Legal Education; and  Richard Dane-Andrew O'Gilvie (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here are Jacqueline Samuels-Brown (left) Chairman, Council of Legal Education; and Shernett Robinson (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Council of Legal Education, Norman Manley Law School Ceremony for The Presentation of Graduates, held at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, Old Hope Road on Saturday night September 27, 2014. Here is Ralston Dickson, who gave the Valedictory Address.
Jamaica Votes 2016
Miss Jamaica World
Miss Jamaica World
Miss Jamaica World
Miss Jamaica World

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