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Dover Raceway
Dover Raceway
Dover Raceway
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here are Prof. Cooper (left); and Ras Michael (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here are Dwight Moore (left); Prof. Cooper (centre); and Kingsley Cooper (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here is Prof. Carolyn Cooper.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here are Dwight Moore (left); and Kingsley Cooper (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here rae Sasha Cain (left); Karen Harriott (centre); and Shelly Morgaan (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here from left are Sabrina Trovant; Prof. Cooper; Ellen Koehlings; Gina Senesi; Pier Tosi; and Pete Lilly.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here are Sabrina Trovant (left); Prof. Cooper (second left); Ellen Koehlings (third left); Gina Senesi (third right); Pier Tosi (second right); and Pete Lilly (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here are Sheldon Shepherd (left); and Dwight Moore (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here Prof. Cooper presents a book to guest speaker Michelle 'DJ Afifa" Harris.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here are Hon. Edward Seaga (left); and Prof. Cooper (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here are Nathan L.L. Robb (left); Prof Cooper (centre); and Hon. Edward Seaga (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here are Hon. Edward Seaga (left); Prof. Cooper (centre); and Patrick Bailey (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here are Kingsley Cooper (left); and Nathan L.L. Robb (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here are Peju Wilson (Left); and Carl Davis (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Launch of book 'Global Reggae' edited by Prof Carolyn Cooper, held at PULS8, Trafalgar Road on Sunday night February 17, 2013. Here are Carl Davis (left); and Nathan L.L. Robb (right).

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