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Total matches for September 2014: 860

Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here are Wayne Wray (left); and Lady Rheima Hall (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here are Sir Kenneth Hall (left); and Lady Rheima Hall (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here are Carlton Stephen (left); and Lady Rheima Hall (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here are Dr. Jennifer Alexander (left); and Lady Rheima Hall (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here are Dr. Michael Banbury (left); and Lady Rheima Hall (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here are Claudette Christie (left), of Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League; and Ian Forbes (right), Chairman, United Way of Jamaica.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here is Claudette Christie, of the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here are Marlene Street-Forrest??? (left), of the Jamaica Stock Exchange; and Ian Forbes (right), Chairman, United Way of Jamaica.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here is Greta Bouges, of J. Wray and Nephew.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here are Nathan Thompson (left), Manager, Personnel and Industrial Relations, Noranda Bauxite Limited; and Ian Forbes (right), Chairman, United Way of Jamaica.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here is Kelly Tomblin, CEO, JPS.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here are Ealane Livingston Smith (left), of JAMALCO; and Minister Anthony Hylton (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
United Way of Jamaica annual Nation Builders'  Awards and  Employee Awards Ceremony, Held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Thursday September 11, 2014. Here are Marcus Steele (left), Managing Director, Carreras Limited; and Minister Anthony Hylton (right).

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