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Total matches for August 2014: 828

Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Eduardo Bonilla Menchaca (left), Chile Ambassador; and Peter Bangerter (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here is Simone Williams, inside the Excelsior Booth.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Monique Clarke (left); Kara Jackson (second left); Cindy Breakspeare-Bent (second right); and Laura Butler (right) inside the Welch's Juice Booth.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Deborah Chin (left), Heart Foundation; Dr. Fenton Ferguson (centre), Minister of Health; and Eduardo Bonilla Menchaca (right), Chile Ambassador.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Maria Toledo De Schmillen (left), wife of the new German Ambassador; and Steven Woodham (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Maria Toledo De Schmillen (left), wife of the new German Ambassador; and Steven Woodham (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014.  Here are Eduardo Bonilla Menchaca (left), Chile Ambassador; Peter Bangerter (second left); Thalia Lyn (second right0; and Dr. Fenton Ferguson (right), Minister of Health.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Martha Bonilia (left); Peter Bangerter (second left); Eduardo Bonilla Menchaca (centre), Chile Ambassador; Thalia  Lyn (second right); and Dr. Fenton Ferguson (right), Minister of Health.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here is Elena Dorofeev.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Eduardo Bonilla Menchaca (left), Chile Ambassador; Cindy Breakspeare-Bent (second left); Laura Butler (centre); Martha Bonilia (second right); and Matia Toledo De Schmillen (right), wife of the new German Ambassador.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Cindy Breakspeare-Bent (left); Laura Butler (second left); Martha Bonilia (second right); and Maria Toledo De Schmillen (right), wife of the new German Ambassador.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Jan Christie (left); and Laura Butler (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here is Keneea Linton-George,
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Greg Christie (left); Laura Butler (centre); and Jan Christie (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Laura Butler (left); Jan Christie (centre); and Keneea Linton-George (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here are Peter Bangerter (left); Laura Butler (second left); Jan Christie (centre); Keneea Linton-George (second right); and Greg Christie (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica prersents the Media Launch of Simply Red, Wine and Food Festival, held at Millsborough Close on Tuesday night August 19, 2014. Here Dr. Knox Hagley (right), Chairman, Heart Foundation of Jamaica makes a Presentation to Martha Bonilia (left), wife of the Chilean Ambassador.

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