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Total matches for March 2014: 1546

Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Etienne Andre` (left); Garth Jackson (centre); and Alan Foster (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Garth Jackson (left0; and Alan Foster (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Saleema Barclay (left); Abdul Khan (centre); and Bobby Hunter (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Nesta-Claire Hunter (left); E.G. Hunter (centre); and Felix Andre` (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Ambassador de Matha (left); and Thalia Lyn (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Coco Andre` (left); Etienne Andre` (second left); Felix Andre` (second right); and John Valentine (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Catherine Handa (left); and Felix Andre` (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Tarun Handa (left); E.G. Hunter (centre); and Nesta-Claire Hunter (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Ambassador Eleanor Felix (left); Etienne Andre` (centre); and Ambassador Ginette de Matha (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here Etienne Andre` (right) shares a loving embrace with Ambassador Ginette de Matha after the presentation of the Order of Merit.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Ambassador de Matha (left); and Etienne Andre` (right) with his medel on.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. French Ambassador Ginette de Matha (left) joins Etienne Andre` (second left) and his family, his wife  Felix Andre` (second right)  and  his daughter Coco Andre` (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Minister Robert Pickersgill (left); Ambassador de Matha (centre); and Etienne Andre` (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Minister Robert Pickersgill (left); and Ambassador de Matha (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Coco Andre` (left), daughter; and her dad Etienne.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here Andre`, who have a 'thing' for Wheelbarrows, is seen here pushing-in his surprised Wedding Anniversary cake on one.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
French Ambassador Ginette de Matha host Reception and Handing over of the  insignia of French National Order of Merit to Etienne Andre`, held at Hillcrest Avenue on Friday night March 14, 2014. Here are Etienne  Andre` and his wife Felix look at the surprise (5th) Wedding Anniversary cake.

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