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Total matches for September 2013: 755

Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Embassy of Mexico in Jamaica and The Grog Shoppe presents a Mexican Gastronomic Night, held at the Grog Shoppe Restaurant, Devon House. Hope Road on Friday night September 13, 2013.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Embassy of Mexico in Jamaica and The Grog Shoppe presents a Mexican Gastronomic Night, held at the Grog Shoppe Restaurant, Devon House. Hope Road on Friday night September 13, 2013.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Embassy of Mexico in Jamaica and The Grog Shoppe presents a Mexican Gastronomic Night, held at the Grog Shoppe Restaurant, Devon House. Hope Road on Friday night September 13, 2013.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
The Embassy of Mexico in Jamaica and The Grog Shoppe presents a Mexican Gastronomic Night, held at the Grog Shoppe Restaurant, Devon House. Hope Road on Friday night September 13, 2013.
Jermaine Barnaby/Photographer

Drews Avenue Primary students do Quadrille dancing at  Miss Lou's 94th Birthday Anniversary Celebrations organised by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC), at the Loiuse Bennett Garden Theatre, Hope Road, St Andrew on Saturday.
Jermaine Barnaby/Photographer
Drews Avenue Primary students during their Quadrille dancing at  Miss Lou's 94th Birthday Anniversary Celebrations organised by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC), at the LOUISE BENNETT GARDEN THEATRE, HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON on Saturday September 7, 2013.
Jermaine Barnaby/Photographer
Miss Kingston/ St. Andrew Jody-Kay James as she performed at Miss Lou's 94th Birthday Anniversary Celebrations organised by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC),  at the LOUISE BENNETT GARDEN THEATRE, HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON on Saturday September 7, 2013.
Jermaine Barnaby/Photographer
Students of Rousseau Primary school  perform "Hear So" at Miss Lou's 94th Birthday Anniversary Celebrations organised by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC), at the LOUISE BENNETT GARDEN THEATRE, HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON on Saturday September 7, 2013.
Jermaine Barnaby/Photographer

Members of the Clan Carty Primary school perform Pedestrian Crosses during  Miss Lou's 94th Birthday Anniversary Celebrations organised by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC), at the Louise Bennett Garden Theatre, Hope Road, Kingston on Saturday.
Jermaine Barnaby/Photographer
Diandra Brown from Exced Community College performs a Miss Lou piece "No Likkle Twang" at  Miss Lou's 94th Birthday Anniversary Celebrations organised by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC), at the LOUISE BENNETT GARDEN THEATRE, HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON on Saturday September 7, 2013.
Jermaine Barnaby/Photographer
Members of the Jahmique ensemble perform a dance entitled "FUSION" at last Saturday September 7, 2013 94th Birthday Anniversary Celebrations of Miss Lou organised by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC),  at the LOUISE BENNETT GARDEN THEATRE, HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON.
Jermaine Barnaby/Photographer
Nicole Williams (with microphone in hand) tells stories to children present at Miss Lou's 94th Birthday Anniversary Celebrations organised by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) last  Saturday, September 7, 2013 at the LOUISE BENNETT GARDEN THEATRE, HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON.
Jermaine Barnaby/Photographer
Students from Hope Valley Experimental school view exhibits of Miss Lou during her 94th Birthday Anniversary Celebrations organised by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) last  Saturday, September 7, 2013 at the LOUISE BENNETT GARDEN THEATRE, HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Manpower and Maintenance Services Limited (MMS) GSAT Scholarship Awards Presentation, held at Manpower Centre, Eureka Road on Friday September 6, 2013.
NOTE:----For reporter Sasha Walters-Gregory.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Manpower and Maintenance Services Limited (MMS) GSAT Scholarship Awards Presentation, held at Manpower Centre, Eureka Road on Friday September 6, 2013.
NOTE:----For reporter Sasha Walters-Gregory.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Manpower and Maintenance Services Limited (MMS) GSAT Scholarship Awards Presentation, held at Manpower Centre, Eureka Road on Friday September 6, 2013.
NOTE:----For reporter Sasha Walters-Gregory.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Manpower and Maintenance Services Limited (MMS) GSAT Scholarship Awards Presentation, held at Manpower Centre, Eureka Road on Friday September 6, 2013.
Here are Jardane Stewart (left); and Rev. Miranda Sutherland (right).
NOTE:----For reporter Sasha Walters-Gregory.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Manpower and Maintenance Services Limited (MMS) GSAT Scholarship Awards Presentation, held at Manpower Centre, Eureka Road on Friday September 6, 2013.
Here are Rev. Miranda Sutherland (left); and Amanda Jones (right).
NOTE:----For reporter Sasha Walters-Gregory.

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