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Total matches for September 2013: 755

Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Janin Barloza Cooper (left); Robert Cooper (second left), Managing Director, J. Wray and Nephew; Kingsley Cooper (second right); and Safia Cooper (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Mala Morrison (left); Milica Pesic (Mima) (centre), owner; and Kaysian Bourke (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are N. Garrick (left); and Carrington Morgan (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Jennifer Laidlaw (left); Michelle Neita (centre); and Lena Rose (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Ellisse Campbell (left); and Catherine Goodhall (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Garth Walker (left); and Safia Cooper (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Milica Pesic (Mima) (left), owner; Kingsley Cooper (centre); and Safia Cooper (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here is entertainer I Candy.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Tara Playfair Scott (left); and Asafa Powell (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Milica Pesic (mima) (left); Asafa Powell (centre); and entertaner I Candy (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Asafa Powell (left); Kingsley Cooper (centre); and Tara Playfair Scott (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Kishauna Henry (left); and Monique Mitchell (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here is entertainer Leftside.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here is Blair Whittingham.
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Safia Cooper (left); Asafa Powell (second left); Milica Pesic (Mima) (second right) owner; and Kingsley Cooper (right).
Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Offical opening of Everblazing Boutique, Bar and Lounge, held at Villa Ronai, Old Stony Hill Road on Tuesday night September 10, 2013. Here are Charmmaine Malcolm (left), from London; and Victoria Brown (right), UK Designer.
Winston Sill/FReelance Photographer
Good food and great company. These smiles of (from left) Maxine Hogart Spence, Leisha Wong and Marilyn Bennet says it all at the launch of Food Month.

Official launch of Food Month, held at The Gleaner Company Offices. North Street, Kingston on Thursday night September 26, 2013.
Winston Sill/FReelance Photographer
The Gleaner has dubbed November Food Month, and we snapped a pic of Restaurant Week Ambassador Professor Verene Shepherd (right) and Restaurant Week's organizer Stephanie Scott at the launch at the Gleaner's North Street Offices yesterday.

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Official launch of Food Month, held at The Gleaner Company Offices. North Street, Kingston on Thursday night September 26, 2013.

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