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Total matches for July 2013: 1404

Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Michael Henry greets relatives of the late Joseph Hibbert

Relatives from right Mary Strachan (sister), Alexandria Strachan (niece), Charmel Hibbert (neice) Ian Reid (family friend) and Ina Gosling (family friend)

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

daughters Kimberly Hibbert(left) and Angela Hibbert-Wright say their final goodbyes 

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

daughters Kimberly Hibbert(left) and Angela Hibbert-Wright say their final goodbyes. Newphew Desmond Jadusingh looks on

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Service of thanksgiving for the life of Joseph Hibbert held at the pentecostal gospel temple, kingston
Ian Allen/Staff Photographer
Jamaica Fitness Association(Jamfit) annual Cheerleading Championship at the National Indoor Arena.
Ian Allen/Staff Photographer
Jamaica Fitness Association(Jamfit) annual Cheerleading Championship at the National Indoor Arena.

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