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Total matches for December 2012: 962

Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Japanese Ambassador Yasuo Takase host Reception in  Celebration of the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, held at Seaview Avenue on Tuesday night December 4, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Japanese Ambassador Yasuo Takase host Reception in  Celebration of the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, held at Seaview Avenue on Tuesday night December 4, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Japanese Ambassador Yasuo Takase host Reception in  Celebration of the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, held at Seaview Avenue on Tuesday night December 4, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Japanese Ambassador Yasuo Takase host Reception in  Celebration of the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, held at Seaview Avenue on Tuesday night December 4, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Japanese Ambassador Yasuo Takase host Reception in  Celebration of the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, held at Seaview Avenue on Tuesday night December 4, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Japanese Ambassador Yasuo Takase host Reception in  Celebration of the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, held at Seaview Avenue on Tuesday night December 4, 2012. Here are Dorothy Cunningham (left); Glen Campbell (second left); ---???? (centre); ------??? (second right); and Garnet Reid (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Japanese Ambassador Yasuo Takase host Reception in  Celebration of the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, held at Seaview Avenue on Tuesday night December 4, 2012. Here are Ambassador Maxine Roberts (left); and Minister Ronald Thwaites (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Japanese Ambassador Yasuo Takase host Reception in  Celebration of the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, held at Seaview Avenue on Tuesday night December 4, 2012. Here are Ambassador Takase (left); and Brian Wynter (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Japanese Ambassador Yasuo Takase host Reception in  Celebration of the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, held at Seaview Avenue on Tuesday night December 4, 2012. Here is Justine McCalla.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Japanese Ambassador Yasuo Takase host Reception in  Celebration of the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, held at Seaview Avenue on Tuesday night December 4, 2012. Here is Justine McCalla.
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Johanthan Brown, president of Jamaica Cooperative Credit Union League pose with Toni-Ann Fraser, (left) and Renee Hartley at the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League 70’s Soiree Chrishmas party at the Boone Hall Oasis, Stony Hill. on Saturday December 8, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Johanthan Brown, president of Jamaica Cooperative Credit Union League dancing with Claudette Christie, at the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League 70’s Soiree Chrishmas party at the Boone Hall Oasis, Stony Hill. on Saturday December 8, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Jason Broomfield pose with Annette Green, (left) and Shereen Bernard at the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League 70’s Soiree Chrishmas party at the Boone Hall Oasis, Stony Hill. on Saturday December 8, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Audrey Tulloch, (right) and Dianna Blake-Bennet, Marketing and communications at the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League 70’s Soiree Chrishmas party at the Boone Hall Oasis, Stony Hill. on Saturday December 8, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Renee Hartley dancing at the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League 70’s Soiree Chrishmas party at the Boone Hall Oasis, Stony Hill. on Saturday December 8, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Audrey Tulloch, (left) and Dianna Blake-Bennet, Marketing and communications dancing at the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League 70’s Soiree Chrishmas party at the Boone Hall Oasis, Stony Hill. on Saturday December 8, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Dianna Blake-Bennet, Marketing and communications  dancing at the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League 70’s Soiree Chrishmas party at the Boone Hall Oasis, Stony Hill. on Saturday December 8, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Richard and his wife Carleen Barnes, at the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League 70’s Soiree Chrishmas party at the Boone Hall Oasis, Stony Hill. on Saturday December 8, 2012

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