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Total matches for October 2012: 1211

Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Morgans Harbour
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Morgans Harbour
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

shoppers at National Bakery on half way tree road picking up supplies in preparation for Tropical Storm sandy
Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Ceremony of investiture and presentation of National Honours and awards 2012 at Kings House on Monday 15.10.2012
Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Ceremony of investiture and presentation of National Honours and awards 2012 at Kings House on Monday 15.10.2012
Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Ceremony of investiture and presentation of National Honours and awards 2012 at Kings House on Monday 15.10.2012
Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Ceremony of investiture and presentation of National Honours and awards 2012 at Kings House on Monday 15.10.2012
Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Ceremony of investiture and presentation of National Honours and awards 2012 at Kings House on Monday 15.10.2012
Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Ceremony of investiture and presentation of National Honours and awards 2012 at Kings House on Monday 15.10.2012
Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Ceremony of investiture and presentation of National Honours and awards 2012 at Kings House on Monday 15.10.2012

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