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Total matches for October 2012: 1211

Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the incoming President Lola Chin Sang for 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the incoming President Lola Chin Sang for 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Immediate Past President Sharon Williams, (left) presents the Kiwanis of the year to Audrey Brown, Secretary at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the incoming President Lola Chin Sang for 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Immediate Past President Sharon Williams, (left) presents the Kiwanis of the year to Audrey Brown, Secretary at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the incoming President Lola Chin Sang for 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Immediate Past President Sharon Williams, (left) pass on the gavel to incoming President Lola Chin Sang at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Immediate Past President Sharon Williams, (left) pass on the gavel to incoming President Lola Chin Sang at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Immediate Past President Sharon Williams, (left) pass on the gavel to incoming President Lola Chin Sang at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Gem Myers sitting on Walter Soltou singing at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Gem Myers singing at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Gem Myers singing at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Gerthlyn Holmen Distinguished Lt. Governor hugs New iincoming president Lola Chin Sang at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the incoming President Lola Chin Sang for 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the incoming President Lola Chin Sang for 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the incoming President Lola Chin Sang for 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the incoming President Lola Chin Sang for 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the incoming President Lola Chin Sang for 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Gerthlyn Holmen Distinguished Lt. Governor arrive at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the incoming President Lola Chin Sang for 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Incoming President Lola Chin Sang at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston Installation Banquet for the incoming President Lola Chin Sang for 2012 -2013, officers and Board of Directors at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston on Wednesday, October 10, 2012

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