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Total matches for October 2012: 1211

Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) Change of Command Parade for new Commandant James Golding, held at the ISCF Headquarters, Herman Barracks on Saturday October 6, 2012. Here are new Commandant James Golding (left); and Commissioer Owen Ellington (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) Change of Command Parade for new Commandant James Golding, held at the ISCF Headquarters, Herman Barracks on Saturday October 6, 2012. Here are new Commandant Golding (left); and outgoing Commandant Osmond Bromfield (right).
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) Change of Command Parade for new Commandant James Golding, held at the ISCF Headquarters, Herman Barracks on Saturday October 6, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) Change of Command Parade for new Commandant James Golding, held at the ISCF Headquarters, Herman Barracks on Saturday October 6, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) Change of Command Parade for new Commandant James Golding, held at the ISCF Headquarters, Herman Barracks on Saturday October 6, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) Change of Command Parade for new Commandant James Golding, held at the ISCF Headquarters, Herman Barracks on Saturday October 6, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) Change of Command Parade for new Commandant James Golding, held at the ISCF Headquarters, Herman Barracks on Saturday October 6, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) Change of Command Parade for new Commandant James Golding, held at the ISCF Headquarters, Herman Barracks on Saturday October 6, 2012.

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