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Total matches for September 2012: 1181

Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Dunoon High School vs St Georges College at Vauxhall on Monday 17.9.2012
Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Dunoon High School vs St Georges College at Vauxhall on Monday 17.9.2012
Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Dunoon High School vs St Georges College at Vauxhall on Monday 17.9.2012
Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Dunoon High School vs St Georges College at Vauxhall on Monday 17.9.2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Robert Levy, (right) Chairman of Jamaica Broilers Group chat with Saadiq Rodgers-King, (left) Chief Operating Officer of Nodeijitsu and Co-founder of Hot Potato and Professor Hopeton Dunn at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Robert Levy, (left) Chairman of Jamaica Broilers Group chat with Saadiq Rodgers-King, (centre) Chief Operating Officer of Nodeijitsu and Co-founder of Hot Potato and Professor Hopeton Dunn at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Alma Mock Yen, (right) share a joke with Marcia Forbes, (left) and Dr. Claudette Cooke, (centre) VP of Jamaica Broilers Group at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Robert Levy, (left) Chairman of Jamaica Broilers Group chat with Saadiq Rodgers-King, (centre) Chief Operating Officer of Nodeijitsu and Co-founder of Hot Potato and Professor Hopeton Dunn at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Saadiq Rodgers-King, (centre) Chief Operating Officer of Nodeijitsu and Co-founder of Hot Potato speaks at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Dr. Claudette Cooke, VP of Jamaica Broilers Group make presentation to Tyrone Reid at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Christopher Levy, (second left) President and CEO chat with Christopher Barnes, (second right) Managing Director of The Gleaner, Saadiq Rodgers-King, (left) Chief Operating Officer of Nodeijitsu and Co-founder of Hot Potato and Professor Hopeton Dunn at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Robert Levy, (left) Chairman of Jamaica Broilers Group and Christopher Levy, President and CEO chat with Christopher Barnes, (right) Managing Director of The Gleaner at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Wyvolyn Gager, (left) chat with Lester Spaulding at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Wyvolyn Gager, (left) chat with Jacqui Tyson at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Marcia Forbes chat with Professor Hopeton Dunn at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Robert Levy, (left) Chairman of Jamaica Broilers Group chat with Saadiq Rodgers-King, (centre) Chief Operating Officer of Nodeijitsu and Co-founder of Hot Potato and Professor Hopeton Dunn at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Professor Hopeton Dunn pose with Katty Barrett at the 12th Anniversary Awards Luncheon for presentation of the 2011/2012 Fair Play Awards at the Terra Nova Hotel on Tuesday, September 11-2012
Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
A massive fire destroyed several homes in Denham Town in West Kingston today.

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