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Total matches for July 2012: 608

Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
 Michale Frater
Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Kerron Stewart
Colin Hamilton/Freelance Photographer
Launch of the JIS Photo Album tho commemorate Jamaica 50th Anniversary at the Pegasus on July 18, 2012.
Youth & Culture Minister Lisa Hanna looks through the Jamaica 50 Album.
Colin Hamilton/Freelance Photographer
Launch of the JIS Photo Album tho commemorate Jamaica 50th Anniversary at the Pegasus on July 18, 2012.
From left, Information Minister Sandrea Falconer receives a copy of the album from the CEO of the JIS Donna-Marie Rowe.
Colin Hamilton/Freelance Photographer
Launch of the JIS Photo Album tho commemorate Jamaica 50th Anniversary at the Pegasus on July 18, 2012.
From left, Youth & Culture Minister Lisa Hanna receives a copy of the album from Ian Boyne.
Colin Hamilton/Freelance Photographer
Launch of the JIS Photo Album tho commemorate Jamaica 50th Anniversary at the Pegasus on July 18, 2012.
From left,  Lady Allen receives a copy of the album from the CEO of JIS Donna-Marie Rowe.
Colin Hamilton/Freelance Photographer
Launch of the JIS Photo Album tho commemorate Jamaica 50th Anniversary at the Pegasus on July 18, 2012.
from left,  Governor General Sir Patrick Allen presents a copy of the album to the Acquisitions Librarian at the National Library of Jamaica Valerie Francis.
Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Jamaica National Half-Way-Tree St Andrew.
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

cultural dance item performed by YMCA students as seen at the JNBS Foundation "Act!on 67" wellness and recreational clinic in celebration of Nelson Mandela Day held at the Kingston YMCA yesterday.
Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Jamaica Public service company head office in St. Andrew celebrating Jamaica 50 July 18, 2012.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Sumfest 20th anniversary 2012.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Sumfest 20th anniversary 2012.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Sumfest 20th anniversary 2012.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Sumfest 20th anniversary 2012.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Sumfest 20th anniversary 2012.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Sumfest 20th anniversary 2012.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Sumfest 20th anniversary 2012.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Sumfest 20th anniversary 2012.

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