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Total matches for December 2011: 761

Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
People's National party PNP final meeting in Naggo Head St. Catherine Thursday 22, 2011.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
People's National party PNP final meeting in Naggo Head St. Catherine Thursday 22, 2011.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Former PNP President P.J. Patterson speaking at his party's mass meeting in Naggo Head, St. Catherine , on Thursday night.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
People's National party PNP final meeting in Naggo Head St. Catherine Thursday 22, 2011.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
People's National party PNP final meeting in Naggo Head St. Catherine Thursday 22, 2011.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
People's National party PNP final meeting in Naggo Head St. Catherine Thursday 22, 2011.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
People's National party PNP final meeting in Naggo Head St. Catherine Thursday 22, 2011.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
People's National party PNP final meeting in Naggo Head St. Catherine Thursday 22, 2011.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
People's National party PNP final meeting in Naggo Head St. Catherine Thursday 22, 2011.
Ian Allen/Photographer 
PNP President Portia Simpson Miller with the party's campaign director Dr Peter Phillips at in Mandeville, Manchester.
Ian Allen/Photographer 
PNP supporters at their party's mass meeting in Mandeville on Sunday.
Ian Allen/Photographer 
PNP's mass meeting in Mandeville.
Ian Allen/Photographer 
PNP's mass meeting in Mandeville.
Ian Allen/Photographer 
PNP's mass meeting in Mandeville.
Ian Allen/Photographer 
PNP supporters at a mass meeting in Mandeville.
Ian Allen/Photographer 
PNP's mass meeting in Mandeville.
Ian Allen/Photographer 
PNP's mass meeting in Mandeville.
Ian Allen/Photographer 
PNP's mass meeting in Mandeville.

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