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Total matches for October 2012: 1211

Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Thanksgiving service for the life of Anthony 'Tony' Hewitt, retired senior Superintendent of police, held at the Boulevard Baptist church St. Andrew October 6, 2012.
Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Thanksgiving service for the life of Anthony 'Tony' Hewitt, retired senior Superintendent of police, held at the Boulevard Baptist church St. Andrew October 6, 2012.
Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Thanksgiving service for the life of Anthony 'Tony' Hewitt, retired senior Superintendent of police, held at the Boulevard Baptist church St. Andrew October 6, 2012.
Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Thanksgiving service for the life of Anthony 'Tony' Hewitt, retired senior Superintendent of police, held at the Boulevard Baptist church St. Andrew October 6, 2012.
Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Thanksgiving service for the life of Anthony 'Tony' Hewitt, retired senior Superintendent of police, held at the Boulevard Baptist church St. Andrew October 6, 2012.
Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Thanksgiving service for the life of Anthony 'Tony' Hewitt, retired senior Superintendent of police, held at the Boulevard Baptist church St. Andrew October 6, 2012.
Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Thanksgiving service for the life of Anthony 'Tony' Hewitt, retired senior Superintendent of police, held at the Boulevard Baptist church St. Andrew October 6, 2012.
Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Thanksgiving service for the life of Anthony 'Tony' Hewitt, retired senior Superintendent of police, held at the Boulevard Baptist church St. Andrew October 6, 2012.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Workers at the Hope Botanical Gardens clear sections of Gardens after a huge Guango tree fell and block one of the entrances during the passage of Hurricane Sandy.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Workers at the Hope Botanical Gardens clear sections of Gardens after a huge Guango tree fell and block one of the entrances during the passage of Hurricane Sandy.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Workers at the Hope Botanical Gardens, St Andrew clear sections of the gardens after a huge Guango tree fell and blocked one of the entrances during the passage of Hurricane Sandy.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Historical Avenue, one of the entrance to the Hope Botanical Gardens after the passage of Hurricane Sandy.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Historical Avenue, one of the entrance to the Hope Botanical Gardens after the passage of Hurricane Sandy.
Ian Allen/Photographer
Section of Hope Botanical Gardens after the passage of Hurricane Sandy.
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Hotel Four Seasons
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Hotel Four Seasons

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