Gallery | Fit 4 Life Fit Farm
"We have reached the climax. The forces of good and evil are ready to duke it out, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance ... ."
While it might not be as dramatic as that sounds, The Gleaner's Fit 4 Life Tuff Enuff Challenge final clash at Life Fit Training Centre, Red Hills Road in St Andrew, this Saturday will be just as exciting.
To stand a chance, finalists have to show up firing on all cylinders. Proper fueling and maintenance are a must.
Here are a few guidelines to make the final preparations this week:
Make a plan. Leave nothing of what you eat in the lead-up to competition to chance. Plan your meals around whole foods as much as possible and op for healthy snacks.
This week is not the time for experimenting; avoid surprise effects by sticking with foods that you are used to.
Highlights by photographer Lionel Rookwood.