Gallery | Thanksgiving Service of Grace Allen-Young

Thanksgiving for the life of Ethel Grace Patricia Allen Young held at the Coke Memorial Methodist Church Wednesday November 2,2011.
Exploration of Aisan Influences in Caribbean Cuisine

Exploration of Aisan Influences in Caribbean Cuisine

Fri 04 Nov 2011 09:04:18 AM EDT

Half Moon Sugar Mill restaurant's 'Exploration of Aisan Influences in Caribbean Cuisine' Montego Bay.

Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Dr. Christopher Allen Greets other relatives 

Thanksgiving for the life of Ethel Grace Patricia Allen Young held at the Coke Memorial Methodist Church yesterda
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Carrole A. M. Guntley C.D, J.P Director General / Ministry of tourism

Thanksgiving for the life of Ethel Grace Patricia Allen Young held at the Coke Memorial Methodist Church yesterda
Gladstone Taylor/Photographer

Carrole Guntle, director general in the Ministry of Tourism, takes a final look at Grace Allen Young during the funeral held yesterday at the Coke Memorial Methodist Church in St Andrew yesterday.
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Pall Bearers Mr John Sheehe (first left),  Mr Trevor Allen (first right),  Mr Micheal Young (second left), Mr Peter Allen (second right), Dr. John Cambell (third left) and Dr. Christopher Allen (third right)

Thanksgiving for the life of Ethel Grace Patricia Allen Young held at the Coke Memorial Methodist Church yesterda
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

The Hon. Portia Simpson Miller arrives at the thanksgiving for the life of Ethel Grace Patricia Allen Young held at the Coke Memorial Methodist Church on Wednesday.
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

l-r Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, ??, Minster of health Rudyard Spencer and Dr. Fenton Ferguson (opposition spokersperson on health)

Thanksgiving for the life of Ethel Grace Patricia Allen Young held at the Coke Memorial Methodist Church yesterda
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Rudyard Spencer (minister of health) and Opposition spokesman on health, Dr. Fenton Ferguson (right)

Thanksgiving for the life of Ethel Grace Patricia Allen Young held at the Coke Memorial Methodist Church yesterda
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer

Errol Crokes

Thanksgiving for the life of Ethel Grace Patricia Allen Young held at the Coke Memorial Methodist Church yesterda
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