Gallery | The Gleaner Spelling Bee

Scenes from the Gleaner Spelling Bee finals and gift giving ceremony held at Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Tuesday January 31, 2012.
Spelling Bee Trip

Spelling Bee Trip

Fri 03 Feb 2012 10:47:37 AM EST

The contestants are treated to a meal at Burger King and a visit to the Hope Zoo as apart of thier prize on Thursday February 2,2012.

Spelling Bee Dinner

Spelling Bee Dinner

Fri 03 Feb 2012 10:01:10 AM EST

The Gleaner Spelling Bee 2012 Dinner, held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingstonon Wednesday night February 1, 2012.

Ian Allen / Photographer
Spelling Bee parish finalist at the Jamaica Pegasis hotel.
From left back row, Jonathan Liu, New Horizon Preparatory in Westmoreland, Tisnne Barclay, Ardenne High School, St.Andrew, Davian Stewart, Jonathan Grant High school, St.Catherine, Gifton Wright, Kingston College, Kingston, Terry-Ann Jarrett, Bethel Primary school, Hanover, Lois Robinson, Glen Stuart Primary school, St.Elizabeth, Kyle Meek, St.Mary High school, St.Mary.front row left, Shanae Graham, Middleton Primary school, Rushawn Stewart, Norwich Primary school, Portland, Sajaey Harisson, Ferncourt High school, St.Ann, Lariecia Harvey, Granville Primary, Trelawny, Toni-Shea Gray, St Mary Preparatory school, St.James, Tajaun Gibbison, Knox Junior school, Manchester, Jaden Henry, Foundation Preparatory, Clarendon.
Ian Allen / Photographer

Spelling Bee parish finalist at the Jamaica Pegasis hotel.
From left back row, Jonathan Liu, New Horizon Preparatory in Westmoreland, Tisnne Barclay, Ardenne High School, St.Andrew, Davian Stewart, Jonathan Grant High school, St.Catherine, Gifton Wright, Kingston College, Kingston, Terry-Ann Jarrett, Bethel Primary school, Hanover, Lois Robinson, Glen Stuart Primary school, St.Elizabeth, Kyle Meek, St.Mary High school, St.Mary.front row left, Shanae Graham, Middleton Primary school, Rushawn Stewart, Norwich Primary school, Portland, Sajaey Harisson, Ferncourt High school, St.Ann, Lariecia Harvey, Granville Primary, Trelawny, Toni-Shea Gray, St Mary Preparatory school, St.James, Tajaun Gibbison, Knox Junior school, Manchester, Jaden Henry, Foundation Preparatory, Clarendon.
Ian Allen / Photographer
Spelling Bee parish finalist at the Jamaica Pegasis hotel.
From left back row, Jonathan Liu, New Horizon Preparatory in Westmoreland, Tisnne Barclay, Ardenne High School, St.Andrew, Davian Stewart, Jonathan Grant High school, St.Catherine, Gifton Wright, Kingston College, Kingston, Terry-Ann Jarrett, Bethel Primary school, Hanover, Lois Robinson, Glen Stuart Primary school, St.Elizabeth, Kyle Meek, St.Mary High school, St.Mary.front row left, Shanae Graham, Middleton Primary school, Rushawn Stewart, Norwich Primary school, Portland, Sajaey Harisson, Ferncourt High school, St.Ann, Lariecia Harvey, Granville Primary, Trelawny, Toni-Shea Gray, St Mary Preparatory school, St.James, Tajaun Gibbison, Knox Junior school, Manchester, Jaden Henry, Foundation Preparatory, Clarendon.
Ian Allen /  Photographer
Gleaner Spelling Bee finals at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in Kingston.
Ian Allen /  Photographer
Gleaner Spelling Bee finals at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in Kingston.
Ian Allen /  Photographer
Reverend Glen Archer left, celebrates with Gifton Wright  the 2012 Gleaner Spelling Bee winner shortly after he won the  finals at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in Kingston.
Ian Allen /  Photographer
Reverend Glen Archer left, celebrates with Gifton Wright  the 2012 Gleaner Spelling Bee winner shortly after he won the  finals at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in Kingston.
Ian Allen /  Photographer
Reverend Glen Archer left, celebrates with Gifton Wright  the 2012 Gleaner Spelling Bee winner shortly after he won the  finals at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in Kingston.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Spelling Bee: Presentation of Gift Baskets to Spellers and their Trainers by sponsors, held at Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Tuesday January 31, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Spelling Bee: Presentation of Gift Baskets to Spellers and their Trainers by sponsors, held at Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Tuesday January 31, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Spelling Bee: Presentation of Gift Baskets to Spellers and their Trainers by sponsors, held at Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Tuesday January 31, 2012.
Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer
Spelling Bee: Presentation of Gift Baskets to Spellers and their Trainers by sponsors, held at Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, New Kingston on Tuesday January 31, 2012.
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